
楼主: 驭风


发表于 2009-6-18 09:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
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[ 本帖最后由 reach3 于 2009-6-18 10:35 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-18 10:38:19 | 显示全部楼层

Two-Point Landing

Basic Description:      基本描述:
>Landing on both wingtips at the same time   > 着陆,双翼尾尖同时落地。
>Kite must land on only the two wingtip points(not wingtips and spine,or entire back of sail)  >风筝必须只有双翼尾尖同时落地(不可以是双翼尾尖加上中杆,或者是整个后背着地)
>Angle of approach does not matter    >俯冲的角度可以任意。

Key Elements: 关键点:
>Decisive landing on both wingtips simultaneously > 果断地着陆,双翼尾尖同时落地。
>Held in this position on the ground for minimum 2 seconds   >在地上保持这个姿势至少2秒钟。

View the Two-Point Landing at full speed     正常播放速度看看“Two-Point Landing”

Now we'll break down the Two-Point Landing.  现在我们分段演示“Two-Point Landing”

The trick is initiated with a snap Stall as close to the ground as possible.Both wingtips should touch down at the same time.这个技巧开始于一个动作高度离地面越近越好的“Snap Stall”。双翼尾尖必须同时触地。风筝不应悬停或漂浮到地面.  

The kite should remain on its wingtips for at least two seconds before being relaunched.在重新起飞前,风筝必须保持双脚站立最少2秒钟。

Imposed tricks are assigned a score from 0 to 10. 技巧实现按0到10打分。
Ballet program tricks receive a score of Bad,Average,Good,or Excellent.芭蕾技巧按差、一般、好和优秀打分。
Test your skills as a judge by scoring the following example of a Two-Point Landing 试着给下面的“Two-Point Landing”打分来测试一下您的鉴赏水平。

Now write down your scores.The answers will be provided in a moment. 现在写下你评分结果,答案在后面公布。

Pause the playback if you need more time to record your scores. 如果您需要更多的时间来做出判断请按重放键

Scores Assigned:  得分:
For imposed trick: 6-7 points  技巧实现:6-7分
For ballet program trick: Good  芭蕾技巧: 好
Explanation:  解释:
PLUSES:The kite lands cleanly on two wingtips,and the landing is held for more than two seconds. 优点:风筝利索地双翼尾尖同时落地着陆,并保持落地姿势超过2秒钟。
MINUSES:The snap is initiated too high,so the landing is not very decisive. 缺点:突停动作启动位置高了点,所以着陆不是太果断。

[ 本帖最后由 驭风 于 2009-7-14 11:23 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-18 10:38:49 | 显示全部楼层

Double Axel

我看到的Double Axel的视频从头到底是一个开始画面,请捕风看看是不是哪里有个小故障?
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-18 10:39:25 | 显示全部楼层


Basic Description:      基本描述:
>Also known as "Tip Stab" >也称为“Tip Stab”
>One wingtip is driven decisively into the ground   > 一个翼尾尖果断地插入地面。
>Entered either from ground pass or from descent at any angle >可以从贴地飞行或任意角度的下降飞行开始动作。

Key Elements: 关键点:
>Clear and decisive stab > 清晰果断的插刺动作。
>Held on the spiked wingtip for minimum 2 seconds   >保持一个翼尾尖扎在地面的姿势至少2秒钟。

View the Spike at full speed     正常播放速度看看“Spike”

Now we'll break down the Spike.  现在我们分段演示“Spike”

The kite may enter the trick either from a ground pass or from descent at any angle.这个技巧可以从贴地飞行或任意角度的下降飞行开始动作。

The maneuver should be decisive, and the kite should be held on its wingtip for at least two seconds.动作要果断干脆,风筝必须保持单脚站立最少2秒钟。

Imposed tricks are assigned a score from 0 to 10. 技巧实现按0到10打分。
Ballet program tricks receive a score of Bad,Average,Good,or Excellent.芭蕾技巧按差、一般、好和优秀打分。
Test your skills as a judge by scoring the following example of a Spike 试着给下面的“Spike”打分来测试一下您的鉴赏水平。

Now write down your scores.The answers will be provided in a moment. 现在写下你评分结果,答案在后面公布。

Pause the playback if you need more time to record your scores. 如果您需要更多的时间来做出判断请按重放键

Scores Assigned:  得分:
For imposed trick: 6 points  技巧实现:6 分
For ballet program trick: Average  芭蕾技巧: 一般
Explanation:  解释:
PLUSES:The kite is held on its wingtip for more than two seconds. 优点:风筝保持单脚站立姿势超过2秒钟。
MINUSES:The trick is initiated too high,so the kite drops onto its wingtip instead of spiking decisively to the ground 缺点:动作启动位置太高,所以风筝没有果断地刺向地面,而是以单脚着陆的方式掉落到地面

[ 本帖最后由 驭风 于 2009-7-14 11:23 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-18 10:47:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-6-18 10:53:23 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 驭风 于 2009-6-18 10:38 发表
我看到的Double Axel的视频从头到底是一个开始画面,请捕风看看是不是哪里有个小故障?

double axel暂时换成lazy susan翻译好了,凑够3个,呵呵~
发表于 2009-6-18 11:01:47 | 显示全部楼层


原帖由 驭风 于 2009-6-18 10:47 发表
原来练习这个动作,只注重单脚着陆的成功率,和风筝落地后姿态的稳定。现在才知道,那个刺向地面的动作才最重要,落地后风筝是不是稳定不太 ...

哈哈~看来TP还是有用的(19gif ,它们把这个动作用命名为“spike”看来是特意强调的是运动的过程,像标枪一样的猛插在地上。一并学习了~(25gif
发表于 2009-6-18 11:28:26 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-18 11:29:03 | 显示全部楼层

Lazy Susan

Basic Description:      基本描述:
>Single 360 rotation from the Turtle position > 以“躺”的姿态平转360度。
>Entered and exited nose-up   > “向上飞”的姿态开始和结束动作.

Key Elements: 关键点:
>Nose-up entry and exit > “向上飞”的姿态开始和结束动作.
>Flat rotation   >平转时姿态要水平。

View the Lazy Susan at full speed     正常播放速度看看“Lazy Susan”

Now we'll break down the Lazy Susan.  现在我们分段演示“Lazy Susan”

The kite should enter the trick nose-up.风筝以“向上飞”的姿态开始动作.

The rotation begins from the Turtle position(belly up,nose away).平转由“躺”的姿态开始(机腹向上,机头向外)。

The lines remain over the trailing edges during the entire rotation.线在整个平转过程中保持在风筝边沿的上面。

The rotation is complete when the kite returns to the Turtle position.平转结束时,风筝回到“躺”的姿态。

The kite should exit nose-up. 风筝以“向上飞”的姿态结束动作.

Imposed tricks are assigned a score from 0 to 10. 技巧实现按0到10打分。
Ballet program tricks receive a score of Bad,Average,Good,or Excellent.芭蕾技巧按差、一般、好和优秀打分。
Test your skills as a judge by scoring the following example of a Lazy Susan 试着给下面的“Lazy Susan”打分来测试一下您的鉴赏水平。

Now write down your scores.The answers will be provided in a moment. 现在写下你评分结果,答案在后面公布。

Pause the playback if you need more time to record your scores. 如果您需要更多的时间来做出判断请按重放键

Scores Assigned:  得分:
For imposed trick: 5-7 points  技巧实现:5-7 分
For ballet program trick: Average/Good  芭蕾技巧: 一般/好
Explanation:  解释:
PLUSES:The trick is entered in the correct nose-up orientation, and the first position is a good,deep Turtle. 优点:动作启动在准确的机头向上的角度,第一个“躺”姿态好,机头下沉有深度。
MINUSES:The rotation is not perfectly even,the nose exits short of 12:00 straight up, and a fair amount of altitude is lost in the spin. 缺点:平转不够平衡,结束时机头不到12:00垂直向上,平转的过程丢失了相当数量的高度。

[ 本帖最后由 驭风 于 2009-7-14 11:24 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-18 11:33:56 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 捕风 于 2009-6-18 11:01 发表

哈哈~看来TP还是有用的(19gif ,它们把这个动作用命名为“spike”看来是特意强调的是运动的过程,像标枪一样的猛插在地上。一并学习了~(25gif

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