
楼主: 驭风


 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-14 09:25:29 | 显示全部楼层

Rolling Susan

Basic Description:      基本描述:
>Also known as "Snap Lazy" >也称为“Snap Lazy”。
>Single 360 rotation from the Turtle position > 躺姿下的单圈平转。
>Entered and exited horzontally > 水平地开始和结束。

Key Elements: 关键点:
>Horizontal entry and exit 水平地开始和结束。
>Flat rotation 平转要水平。

View the Rolling Susan at full speed     正常播放速度看看“Rolling Susan”

Now we'll break down the Rolling Susan.  现在我们分段演示“Rolling Susan”

The kite should enter the trick from a horizontal line of flight.风筝必须以水平飞行的方式开始动作。

The lower wing is popped to knock the kite into a Turtle(belly up,nose away),and the same line is popped again to perform the rotation.下翼被弹拉以敲击风筝形成躺(机腹向上,机头向外),然后同一条线被再次弹拉以开始平转。

The kite should exit horizontally.风筝必须水平地结束动作。

Imposed tricks are assigned a score from 0 to 10. 技巧实现按0到10打分。
Ballet program tricks receive a score of Bad,Average,Good,or Excellent.芭蕾技巧按差、一般、好和优秀打分。
Test your skills as a judge by scoring the following example of a Rolling Susan 试着给下面的“Rolling Susan”打分来测试一下您的鉴赏水平。

Now write down your scores.The answers will be provided in a moment. 现在写下你评分结果,答案在后面公布。

Pause the playback if you need more time to record your scores. 如果您需要更多的时间来做出判断请按重放键

Scores Assigned:  得分:
For imposed trick: 5-6 points  技巧实现:5-6分
For ballet program trick: Average  芭蕾技巧: 一般
Explanation:  解释:
PLUSES:The trick is entered in a good,nose-sideways orientation.动作开始在一个好的机头朝向一侧的方向上。
MINUSES:The spin is uneven,and the exit is not clean.平转不平衡,结束动作不清晰。

[ 本帖最后由 驭风 于 2009-7-14 11:36 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-14 09:30:36 | 显示全部楼层

Rolling Up

Basic Description:      基本描述:
>Launch with lines pre-wrapped around the kite so that it unrolls several times as it rises off the ground >风筝在预先绕线的情况下起飞,这样风筝在升离地面时翻转解绕数次。
>For tricks Party ballet,may be done only as first element of performance >在Tricks Party 芭蕾比赛,可能这个技巧只能作为整套动作的开始。

Key Elements: 关键点:
>Minimum 3 untolls > 最少解绕3次。
>Even,straight-line unroll >解绕要平衡,执行在直线上。

View the Rolling up at full speed     正常播放速度看看“Rolling up”

Now we'll break down the Rolling up.  现在我们分段演示“Rolling up”

The kite begins on the ground in flare position(belly down,nose away)with the lines pre-wrapped around the kite.开始时风筝以外趴姿态放在地上,线预先缠绕在风筝上。

The kite is launched as for a Fade launch(the nose is swept up and under the kite),but the wraps cause the kite to unroll several times as it rises off the ground.风筝以Fade Launch的方式起飞(机头从风筝的下面扫起),但绕线导致风筝在升离地面时翻转解绕数次。

The kite should unroll at least three times.风筝必须翻转解绕至少三次。

Imposed tricks are assigned a score from 0 to 10. 技巧实现按0到10打分。
Ballet program tricks receive a score of Bad,Average,Good,or Excellent.芭蕾技巧按差、一般、好和优秀打分。
Test your skills as a judge by scoring the following example of a Rolling up 试着给下面的“Rolling up”打分来测试一下您的鉴赏水平。

Now write down your scores.The answers will be provided in a moment. 现在写下你评分结果,答案在后面公布。

Pause the playback if you need more time to record your scores. 如果您需要更多的时间来做出判断请按重放键

Scores Assigned:  得分:
For imposed trick: 4-5 points  技巧实现:4-5分
For ballet program trick: Average  芭蕾技巧: 一般
Explanation:  解释:
PLUSES:The number of unrolls is sufficient. 具有足够数量的解绕翻转。
MINUSES:The unrolls are significantly unbalanced and not in a straight line.解绕翻转明显失去平衡并且没有在一直线上。

[ 本帖最后由 驭风 于 2009-7-14 11:37 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-14 09:34:14 | 显示全部楼层


Basic Description:      基本描述:
>Also called "Sideway"   > 也称为“Sideway”。
>Horizontal travel while nose points straight up   > 机头笔直向上的水平漂移。
>Ideally,kite travels in straight line with no wobble or lean,and altitude does not change   > 理想状态是,风筝沿直线漂移,没有晃动和倾斜,方向保持不变。
>Method and direction of entry/exit do not matter   > 开始和结束技巧的方法和方向任意。
>Sideways,nose-up travel should last at least 3 seconds   > 朝向一侧的,机头向上的漂移至少保持3秒钟。

Key Elements: 关键点:
>Minimal sideways movement by pilot   >放飞者最少的侧向移动 。
>Length   >漂移长度 。
>Wingtips parallel to the ground   > 双剑尾与地面平行。

View the Slide at full speed     正常播放速度看看“Slide”

Now we'll break down the Slide.  现在我们分段演示“Slide”

At the start of the trick,the kite is popped into the nose-up position. 这个技巧的开始动作是风筝被弹拉成机头向上的姿态。

The kite should travel sideways in a horizontal line for at least three seconds,with the nose pointing straight up. 风筝必须沿水平线朝一侧漂移至少3秒钟。

The way the kite exits the trick does not matter. 结束技巧的方式任意。

Imposed tricks are assigned a score from 0 to 10. 技巧实现按0到10打分。
Ballet program tricks receive a score of Bad,Average,Good,or Excellent.芭蕾技巧按差、一般、好和优秀打分。
Test your skills as a judge by scoring the following example of a Slide 试着给下面的“Slide”打分来测试一下您的鉴赏水平。

Now write down your scores.The answers will be provided in a moment. 现在写下你评分结果,答案在后面公布。

Pause the playback if you need more time to record your scores. 如果您需要更多的时间来做出判断请按重放键

Scores Assigned:  得分:
For imposed trick: 7-8 points  技巧实现:7-8分
For ballet program trick: Good/Excellent  芭蕾技巧: 好/优秀
Explanation:  解释:
PLUSES: The trick is executed close to the ground,the Slide is held for a long time, and the altitude does not change much. 优点:技巧贴近地面执行,漂移持续了很长的时间,并且方向没有多少改变。
MINUSES: The kite wobbles a bit as it travels.缺点。漂移过程中风筝稍有晃动。

[ 本帖最后由 驭风 于 2009-7-14 11:37 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-14 09:37:18 | 显示全部楼层


Basic Description:      基本描述:
>Also called "Stop"   > 也称为“Stop”(突停)。
>Snap of kite while in straight-line flight to stop it with nose pointing up   > 风筝在沿直线飞行时突然停住并且机头笔直向上。
>Ideally,kite should sit perfectly upright,with no lean or wobble to the side   > 理想的状态是,风筝完美地向上坐正,没有侧向的晃动和倾斜。
>Direction of entry and exit does not matter   > 开始和结束的方向任意。

Key Elements: 关键点:
>Held for minimum 2 seconds   > 保持至少2秒钟。

View the Stall at full speed     正常播放速度看看“Stall”

Now we'll break down the Stall.  现在我们分段演示“Stall”

The kite begins by flying in a straight line in any direction.开始时风筝可以向任意方向直线飞行。

The kite is snapped to a stop,nose upright,and should be held in that position for at least two seconds.风筝突然停住,机头笔直向上,并且必须保持这个姿势至少2秒钟。

The way the kite exits the trick does not matter.风筝结束技巧的方式任意。

Imposed tricks are assigned a score from 0 to 10. 技巧实现按0到10打分。
Ballet program tricks receive a score of Bad,Average,Good,or Excellent.芭蕾技巧按差、一般、好和优秀打分。
Test your skills as a judge by scoring the following example of a Stall 试着给下面的“Stall”打分来测试一下您的鉴赏水平。

Now write down your scores.The answers will be provided in a moment. 现在写下你评分结果,答案在后面公布。

Pause the playback if you need more time to record your scores. 如果您需要更多的时间来做出判断请按重放键

Scores Assigned:  得分:
For imposed trick: 7-8 points  技巧实现:7-8分
For ballet program trick: Good/Excellent  芭蕾技巧: 好/优秀
Explanation:  解释:
PLUSES: The kite stops nose-up, the Stall is held long enough,and there is no forward or sideways slip. 优点:风筝机头向上停止运动,并保持了足够长的时间,没有向前或侧向的移动 。
MINUSES: The kite begins to lean to one side just before the exit.缺点:就在动作结束前风筝开始向一侧倾斜 。

[ 本帖最后由 驭风 于 2009-7-14 11:38 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-14 09:39:24 | 显示全部楼层


Basic Description:      基本描述:
>Also called "Sleeping Beauty Launch"   > 也称为“Sleeping Beauty Launch”(睡着的美丽起飞)。
>Launch in which kite pivots from its back (nose toward pilot) almoust onto its belly,and then into nose-up position as it rises off the ground   > 风筝以机背为支点(机头指向放飞者)起飞,几乎要机腹向下时,转到机头向上的姿势升离地面。

Key Elements: 关键点:
>Nose-up exit   > 机头向上结束。

View the Twist at full speed     正常播放速度看看“Twist”

Now we'll break down the Twist.  现在我们分段演示“Twist”

In the initial position,the kite is on its back on the ground,with its nose pointed toward the pilot and usually one wingtip slightly closer to the pilot than the other.起始姿势是,风筝机背向下落在地上,机头朝向放飞者,并且通常一侧剑尾稍稍比另一侧离放飞者更近一点。

The far wing is pulled so that,as the kite twists around,it rises off the ground.较远的一侧被拉,风筝扭转并升离地面。

The kite should launch with the nose pointing straight up.风筝要以笔直向上的姿态起飞。

Imposed tricks are assigned a score from 0 to 10. 技巧实现按0到10打分。
Ballet program tricks receive a score of Bad,Average,Good,or Excellent.芭蕾技巧按差、一般、好和优秀打分。
Test your skills as a judge by scoring the following example of a Twist 试着给下面的“Twist”打分来测试一下您的鉴赏水平。

Now write down your scores.The answers will be provided in a moment. 现在写下你评分结果,答案在后面公布。

Pause the playback if you need more time to record your scores. 如果您需要更多的时间来做出判断请按重放键

Scores Assigned:  得分:
For imposed trick: 8-9 points  技巧实现:8-9分
For ballet program trick: Excellent  芭蕾技巧: 优秀
Explanation:  解释:
PLUSES:The rotation is good,and the launch is clean . 优点:旋转好,起飞清晰 。
MINUSES:The launch is not perfectly vertical .缺点:起飞没有完美地垂直 。

[ 本帖最后由 驭风 于 2009-7-14 11:38 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-14 09:42:10 | 显示全部楼层

Wap Doo Wap

Basic Description:      基本描述:
>360 or 540 rotation beginning from an overrotated flare   > 在一个翻转过头的外趴上平转360度或540度。
>Exited nose-down for 360 rotation,nose-up for 540   > 结束时,360度平转机头向下,540度平转机头向上。

Key Elements: 关键点:
>Flat rotation   > 平转要水平。
>Clean,vertical exit   > 结束要干净并垂直。

View the Wap Doo Wap at full speed     正常播放速度看看“Wap Doo Wap”

Now we'll break down the Wap Doo Wap.  现在我们分段演示“Wap Doo Wap”

The kite should begin the trick from a Fade.这个技巧开始于飘。

The kite is flared 360 on the pitch axis so that the belly is up and the nose points toward the pilot but the lines are now underneath the kite(almost in a Yo-Yo).风筝轴向外趴翻转360度,进入了机腹向上,机头向内的姿态,但放飞线这时在风筝的下面。(几乎就要形成Yo-Yo)。

Before fully entering the Yo-Yo,the kite is rotated either 360 or 540.This example shows a 540 rotation.在风筝完全形成Yo-Yo前,风筝平转360度或540度。这个例子平转540度。

The kite should exit the trick vertically -- nose-down for a 360 rotation,nose-up for a 540.风筝必须垂直结束动作-360度平转的机头向下,540度平转的机头向上。

Imposed tricks are assigned a score from 0 to 10. 技巧实现按0到10打分。
Ballet program tricks receive a score of Bad,Average,Good,or Excellent.芭蕾技巧按差、一般、好和优秀打分。
Test your skills as a judge by scoring the following example of a Wap Doo Wap 试着给下面的“Wap Doo Wap”打分来测试一下您的鉴赏水平。

Now write down your scores.The answers will be provided in a moment. 现在写下你评分结果,答案在后面公布。

Pause the playback if you need more time to record your scores. 如果您需要更多的时间来做出判断请按重放键

Scores Assigned:  得分:
For imposed trick: 3-4 points  技巧实现:3-4分
For ballet program trick: Average  芭蕾技巧: 一般
Explanation:  解释:
PLUSES: The entrance is good. 优点:启动点正确 。
MINUSES: The speed and orientation are not consistent,the kite loses a large amount of altitude,and the exit is not clean and vertical.缺点:速度和方向不稳定,风筝高度掉得太多,结束动作也不干净不垂直 。

[ 本帖最后由 驭风 于 2009-7-14 11:39 编辑 ]
发表于 2009-7-14 09:48:04 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 驭风 于 2009-7-14 09:15 发表

还有哪里啊?Randy G的没事吧?(我正在做),心拔凉拔凉的了(wanpihou4)(wanpihou41)

[ 本帖最后由 捕风 于 2009-7-14 09:49 编辑 ]
发表于 2009-7-14 09:51:25 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-14 09:58:00 | 显示全部楼层


在翻译Rolling Cascade、Slide、Stall时,相对以前6-7分的芭蕾得分被评为一般/好,当我看到这几个7-8分的被评成好/优秀,我就开始紧张了。最后着落在Twist上,这个动作是“优秀”!看来我们错了,Bad,Average,Good,or Excellent”,应该被翻译成“差,一般,好和优秀”,按四级打分。你同意我的观点吗?如果同意我会改掉帖子里所有相关的地方。而你比我更惨,需要修改以前所有的视频。(wanpihou20)
发表于 2009-7-14 10:39:12 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 驭风 于 2009-7-14 09:58 发表
在翻译Rolling Cascade、Slide、Stall时,相对以前6-7分的芭蕾得分被评为一般/好,当我看到这几个7-8分的被评成好/优秀,我就开始紧张了。最后着落在Twist上,这个动作是“优秀”!看来我们错了,Bad,Average,Good ...

18楼提到的Bad,Average,Good,or Excellent中间的or的确不太好说。但是在2006年出版的《国际运动风筝规则与裁判法》(中国风筝协会审定)中关于个人芭蕾套路比赛评分的“记分表样式”中“放飞效果”一项是用3个级别来评定,分别是:差、良、优。这是不是可以算一个翻译的依据呢?

Bad,Average,Good,or Excellent ,中间这个“or”应该翻译成“和”而不是“或”!

Bad,Average,Good,or Excellent  更准确的翻译为------------------------------------------------------------差,一般,好和优秀

[ 本帖最后由 捕风 于 2009-7-14 10:40 编辑 ]
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